a.Department of Physics, Taizhou University, Taizhou 318000, China
b.Department of Physics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
Published:01 January 2025,
Published Online:28 November 2024,
Received:15 August 2024,
Revised:25 September 2024,
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Yang, X.; Zhou, Y. L.; Zhao, B.; Wang, C.; Luo, M. B. Conformation and dynamics of a long active polymer chain confined in a circular cavity. Chinese J. Polym. Sci. 2025, 43, 225–234
XIAO YANG, YAN-LI ZHOU, BIN ZHAO, et al. Conformation and Dynamics of a Long Active Polymer Chain Confined in a Circular Cavity. [J]. Chinese journal of polymer science, 2025, 43(1): 225-234.
Yang, X.; Zhou, Y. L.; Zhao, B.; Wang, C.; Luo, M. B. Conformation and dynamics of a long active polymer chain confined in a circular cavity. Chinese J. Polym. Sci. 2025, 43, 225–234 DOI: 10.1007/s10118-024-3245-y.
XIAO YANG, YAN-LI ZHOU, BIN ZHAO, et al. Conformation and Dynamics of a Long Active Polymer Chain Confined in a Circular Cavity. [J]. Chinese journal of polymer science, 2025, 43(1): 225-234. DOI: 10.1007/s10118-024-3245-y.
The polymer with large activity forms stable compact spiral with directional rotation at the steady state. The formation of the stable compact spiral is a two-step relaxation process
where the polymer first forms a metastable swelling quasi spiral and then transforms into the stable compacted spiral near the wall of the cavity.
The conformational and dynamical properties of a long semi-flexible active polymer chain confined in a circular cavity are studied by using Langevin dynamics simulation method. Results show that the steady radius of gyration of the polymer decreases monotonically with increasing the active force. Interestingly
the polymer forms stable compact spiral with directional rotation at the steady state when the active force is large. Both the radius of gyration and the angular velocity of the spiral are nearly independent of the cavity size
but show scaling relations with the active force and the polymer length. It is further found that the formation of the stable compact spiral in most cases is a two-step relaxation process
where the polymer first forms a metastable swelling quasi spiral and then transforms into the stable compacted spiral near the wall of the cavity. The relaxation time is mainly determined by the transformation of the swelling quasi spiral
and shows remarkable dependence on the size of the cavity. Specially
when the circumference of the circular is nearly equivalent to the polymer length
it is difficult for the polymer to form the compacted spiral
leading to a large relaxation time. The underlying mechanism of the formation of the compacted spiral is revealed.
Active polymerConfinementConfigurationDynamicsSimulation
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